Jump straight to my photos of Carbeth.
I first heard of Carbeth in about 2005. My late friend Mick Parkin was writing a novel in which Carbeth featured, and I took him there so he could do some research. Mick and I talked about Carbeth a few times and it was clear it was an unusual and important place. Then, in around 2018, I found about and visited a couple of other hut communities on the north-east coast of England, and realised what great places they were to photograph. So, I decided a visit to Carbeth was something I had to do. I started to consider it seriously a couple of years ago, plans were delayed by the pandemic, but the planets aligned and I went in May 2021.

The lovely people at Carbeth announced my visit, and I was invited into a couple of the huts, and encouraged to take photos by their very hospitable dwellers. I spent Saturday afternoon and Sunday morning at the site – which is beautiful and worth a visit just to walk amongst the trees, look at the huts and gaze at the Campsie Hills (as I’m sure Mick did in his time) – and took lots of photos, but could (and should) have taken many more. I’m quite happy with the results: here is the first batch and here is the second. There are more to come which I hope will appear in a couple of weeks.
I want to say a sincere thank you to the folk of Carbeth. I hope you feel that my photos have done you justice. Please get in touch – I’d love to hear from you.
I loved my visit, but I didn’t have enough time there, and I will return! Please feel free to comment if you wish.