What is it about sheds? They seem to appeal to people from all walks of life and are certainly very photogenic. They also express people’s modest desire for a little place to call their own, where they can retreat from the rat race or whatever you want to call it. I’ve now visited the (fairly) well-known community of Fisherman’s* Huts at South Gare, as well as the community of well over one hundred huts at Carbeth in a beautiful location at the foot of the Campsie Hills, just north of Glasgow. But I’d have to say that my heart belongs to Middleton Fishing Cabins in Hartlepool, a great community under serious threat, and an illustration of how things should be when it comes to giving people a little piece of happiness.
I hope you like my photographs. I always welcome feedback so, if you feel like saying something, email me.
*I know, I know: it should be “Fishermen’s”! But it says “Fisherman’s” on the sign, so I’ve leaving it like that.